Gardening in Lockdown
From the first time I grew a plant from seed I was hooked. I still remember the immense satisfaction in creating life and also produce from such a tiny, dry seed. This was my lightbulb moment and that was when I decided to become a garden designer.
So many others have experienced the same wonder as a result of lockdown. In a survey from GlobalData, Gardening was named as the second most popular lockdown activity after watching TV.
It is more popular than reading, cooking and exercise.
The demand for anything garden related was so high during lockdown I struggled to find even the basics for my work. Compost was rationed if you could even find it and materials were scarce.
Even though this meant work became quite a challenge at times I was so glad that so many people, like myself had turned towards nature and gardening to help get us through the toughest of times.
We spent a lot of time in lockdown amending prototypes and field testing our clothing. For the 3m extra gardeners out there, I hope you find them as comfortable and practical as I do.